Feast of Tabernacles 2023
Panama City Beach, Florida!
Teens Program!
The Daniel Generation:
Living a Godly Life in an Ungodly World
Sponsored by:
Common Faith Network
Calling All Teens!
Inviting all young explorers ages 10 – 13!
The name Daniel means “God is my judge.” His three Hebrew friends, Hananiah (“Who Jehovah Gave”), Mishael (“Who is what God Is”), and Azariah (“Who Yehovah Helps”) were also given Kingdom-inspired names by their parents. When they were taken into captivity, the Babylonian system changed their names, but could not change their identity. These young men made the God of their parents, their God, and identified with Him even while being held captive in a pagan culture.
This year, October 1-5, from 9:15-10:30 AM, we will look at the Daniel generation to answer a challenging question: How do we make the God of our parents our God? When does our parent’s faith become our faith?
How do we stay close to God and His teachings and develop a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father?