“A Night of Hope”

Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place…
This is the third edition of our Word and Worship presentation. A special thanks to those who made it happen!
This is your invitation to join us for
“Better Together ~Word and Worship”!
Connect with some familiar Church of God faces from around the country as they present an evening of scripture and music from their homes to yours. We are coming together as the Body of Christ to encourage and support one another.
Won’t you join us?
Original showing Friday evening, May 29th at 7:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time as an online stream presented via The Church of God Cincinnati.
You may re-play the archived event below.
What better way to welcome in the Pentecost Weekend together! We hope you will join us and we pray it is a blessing to you!