“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

FOT 2024 Seminars

Tony Bosserman

The ‘Sick Man of Europe’ Healed

In the 19th century, Czar Nicholas I of Russia described the Ottoman empire as ‘The sick Man of Europe.’  The Bible prophesies that the ‘Sick Man of Europe’ will be healed!  The final Beast will have 10 horns, symbolic of 10 kings who will give their power to the Beast

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Jim O'Brien

The Essential Characteristic

What is the most overlooked essential character trait for Christians? Do you realize that God requires you to have this characteristic in order to be a judge in the Kingdom of God? You have pondered the scriptures so let’s put them together for the sake of clarity.

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Jeannie Hinds

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Would you believe that Satan does his best work right inside your brain? This being has been around a long time, and I would bet he knows you better than you know yourself. As the “Father of Lies,” one of his main tools is deception because he is terrified of

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Anika E. Sandy-Hanson

The Kingdom is Like… an Auction, it’s Not On Sale

We know the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus, but we must be ready to pay the price required for victory against adversity here on earth. The kingdom is of incredible worth, but we aren’t told the exact cost. We just know we must be prepared to

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Mary Ann Eason

Introduction to Davidic Dance

Get ready for an afternoon of praise and joy as we worship God through Davidic dance to uplifting Messianic music.  We will learn graceful dance movements to songs by Paul Wilbur and Joshua Aaron.  No previous dance experience necessary!  The class is open to M/F ages 12 and up, so

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Ken Swiger

Islam and the End Times – Part 1

Could the religion of Islam figure prominently into the end time prophecies of the Bible? Is it possible that Christians have been looking at end times and prophetic events with “blinders” on? Adherents to Islam have their own prophecies about the end times that include the return of Jesus, plus

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Jason Pack

Abraham, Friend of GOD

You know of Abraham—this seminar will help you know the “Father of those that have faith,” and the “friend of GOD.” Abraham was a later descendant of Noah, and a central figure from Genesis through the entire Bible. Abraham lived 175 years leaving an enduring example of how to love

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Abbigail Hinds

Mission to Mozambique

Having just spent 3 months spreading the good news of the gospel and ministering to the people of Malawi and Mozambique, Abigail would love to share her experiences with you. In this session, you will be encouraged by stories of prayer, healing, faith, and the transformative power of the love

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Ken Swiger

Islam and the End Times – Part 2

Could the religion of Islam figure prominently into the end time prophecies of the Bible? Is it possible that Christians have been looking at end times and prophetic events with “blinders” on? Adherents to Islam have their own prophecies about the end times that include the return of Jesus, plus

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Michael & Stacey Shoemaker

The Great Commission

The Great Commission is considered a central responsibility for all Christians.  This mission begins in our homes, with the family as a key structure for spreading the gospel.  What IS the Biblical model for passing the Faith from generation to generation? We will explore the answer to this question, giving

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Wendy Pack

Brain Works

Neuroscientists studying the brain invitro have discovered amazing transformations that occur to a fetus to wire a boy and a girl differently.  There unique ways our brains are formed that make us undeniably male or female. By learning how the sexes differ we can gain strength in relationships. Come see

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Carl Schlitt

Brainwaves: Friend & Foe?

Can Satan read your thoughts? In this seminar we will dive into scripture, then science, to understand the basics on what Satan can, and can’t tell, about your thought patterns. We will take a journey into the brain to learn how to defend yourself from the attacks by the adversary.

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Lenny Cacchio

The Command to Rejoice

Time and again the Scriptures direct us to rejoice. We’re commanded to rejoice at the Feast. Paul, despite being imprisoned, urges the Philippians to rejoice. The Psalmist commands us to rejoice. So often, though, we are weighed down by circumstances and the world around us. Join me in a discussion

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Wendy Pack

Identifying Your Health Span

Between ages 60-70 there is a rapid decline in health and the curve continues sharply between ages 70-80. Our cells and tissues are wearing out too fast. Society feeds our pursuit of youth through advertisements through social media. There are many sources ready to take your money to make the

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John Klassek


We will examine an acronym for living in a Godly manner that leads to standing well in this life, and avoiding potential pitfalls in our journey kingdom-ward.”

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Common Faith Network