“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

FOT 2024 Sermons

Jim O'Brien

Peter Walked on Water

When a storm threatened his life, Peter asked Jesus to let him walk on the water. It seems like a strange request. Why didn’t he ask Jesus to calm the storm? The answer reveals the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles.

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Patrick Hinds

We Are Ambassadors for Christ

In 2 Corinthians 5:20 Apostle Paul says that we are ambassadors for Christ, and that God is making His appeal through us and imploring those we meet to be reconciled to God. Let’s talk about fulfilling that mission!

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Guy Swenson

“Where Have All the Good Leaders Gone?”

Our modern society has a compromised view of what makes good leaders, how they act, and what they should, and should not do. At every turn, children are groomed to accept a distorted perspective of leadership. What is good and Godly leadership, and how do we teach this to our

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Lenny Cacchio

A Feast of Wine on the Lees

We rightly look on wine as a symbol of the blood of the Lamb for the forgiveness of sins. But wine occupies a prominent place in significant events throughout scripture including as a symbol of abundance that God’s kingdom will bring. What are some lessons that we can learn from

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Chris Gregor

Reaching the Summit

God has great plans for us. But big plans come at a big cost. The path ordained is paved with hard work and sacrifice. The temptation to give up is ever present, but the only way we will reach the summit is if we keep climbing.

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Tony Bosserman

The Age of Moral Ambiguity

What makes right-RIGHT, and wrong-WRONG?  Only because GOD says so?  Does God have good reasons behind what He allows & encourages, versus that which He outlaws & condemns?  Christians need to learn the basic principle behind God’s Law – and the aim & purpose of God’s Law. Thus, we’ll see

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Ken Swiger

Restoration and Reconciliation

Prophecy says that Elijah will come and “restore all things”. Apostle Paul says we as believers have been given the “ministry of reconciliation”. Join Pastor Ken Swiger as we explore the connection of restoration and reconciliation in the light of end-time realities and God’s plan for salvation for the bulk

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Herb Hanson

How Much is Your Soul Worth?

Our Savior posed an interesting question to His seminary students 2,000 years ago when He asked, “What will a man give in exchange for his soul?” This question is still a valid one for His disciples today as we deal with society that values man’s glory over God’s glory. Every

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