One of the primary criticisms atheists and agnostics level against Christianity is the problem of evil, pain and suffering. The non-believers say if there is a God why would He allow mankind to suffer pain and experience evil in this world.
This course will challenge you to test your faith in God against a former believer who now is agnostic.
One of the reasons he became agnostic is due to the problem of pain and suffering in a world where a loving God ultimately rules.
During this course you will read Bart Ehrman's book, God's Problem: How the Bible Fails To Answer Our Most Important Question-Why We Suffer.
You will read of challenges skeptics make on the Bible's reason for suffering, but rest assured there are answers to these challenges.
We will also address a defense to the challenges that Ehrman is not aware of. This class will run with weekly live webcast discussions.
This free 8 – week online course offered by Common Faith Academy explores this question.

The course is divided into 8 main topics called modules:
- Introduction: Why Does God Permit Evil?
- There is Evil and Suffering in the World Because God Punishes Us For Sin
- There is Suffering Because Man Sins Against Man
- There is Evil and Suffering So We Can Learn What Good and Love Is
- Suffering and Pain Are a Test and a Mystery
- There is Pain and Suffering Due to Evil Forces (Satan and his minions)
- There is Pain and Suffering So God Can Teach Us Lessons on How to Live
- Conclusion: The Last Great Day vs. Pain and Suffering
Course Duration: 8 weeks, approximately 1.5 – 2.5 hours/week Target Age Group: 14 – and up |