Our Mission
To help children develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Founded by:
Bill and Elaine Jacobs

Bill and Elaine Jacobs have worked together in the ministry of several Sabbatarian churches since 1968. They have been married since 1968 as well. They have two adult children. They founded LifeResource Ministries in 2004.
Elaine holds a BA from Ambassador College and is a professional bookkeeper. She keeps books for LifeResource Ministries and oversees production and distribution of all presentation material.
Besides involvement in the businss side of the non-profit, Elaine also does presentations on behalf of LifeResource Ministries.
In her “other life” for a number of years Elaine was the proprietor of Quaility Bookkeeping.
Bill holds a Masters Degree in counseling from Webster University and is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in New Mexico.
After working in public school as a counselor, facilitating grief groups and working in a mental health clinic, Bill now maintains a private counseling practice where he specializes trauma work with adolescents and adults. Visit Bill’s counseling website.
His years in the ministry combined with his education and experience with thousands of children, teens and adults provide Bill a rich background from which to serve children and families.
We come from the Church of God that has existed in the US since it’s founding and in Europe even further back.
We keep the 7th day of the week as the biblical Sabbath, not for legalistic reasons but as a gift from God. All God’s gifts are blessings, and through the Sabbath God blesses us with deeper understanding of our destiny with God and draws us closer to him.
Besides our distinctives, we believe that there is only one name by which people can be saved – Jesus Christ. No amount of ‘being good” can save any of us, but only the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our materials are deliberately contextualized for our church, but in looking at it, most will realize that the material is universally applicable. Because of Bill’s training and experience as a professional counselor and minister, he can talk about the universal core issues of Christianity from a helpful perspective.
If you see religious terms on this site that you are not familiar with, don’t be alarmed. Our similarities vastly outweigh the differences. We are not trying to cause you to believe as we do in the areas where we differ.
We have a more important motive in mind. We want to help your congregation, families, adults and your children live a moral life in Jesus Christ and so be blessed.
Check out our website or FaceBook page for more information.
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