“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

How Can They Think That?

Caleb Roberts

October 12, 2022

The seminar is planned to be given at the 2022 Feast of Tabernacles Celebration sponsored by Common Faith Network in Florida!

It is common to hear someone say something and think, “how can a reasonable person say that?” It is also unfortunately common to make the easy decision that no reasonable person could say that and assume the speaker must be dumb, crazy, or evil. The harder choice is to step into their shoes and understand why their statement was reasonable. After seven years in Silicon Valley I have had to struggle to understand how my reasonable coworkers could say “unreasonable” things. This seminar aims to share my experience trying to figure out how others view the world, what I have learned in the process, and give you the chance to work through and discuss examples.

For questions about this presentation, send an inquiry via this form.

Common Faith Network