“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

Rejoice With Food

Kurt Hoyer

October 20, 2019

This message was presented on Sunday (Day 7) during the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles observance sponsored by Common Faith Network at the Emerald Coast Convention Center in Ft. Walton Beach, FL on October 20, 2019.

There are seven agricultural products from the land of Israel that were considered special blessings. What can we learn from them about rejoicing at the Feast, and more importantly about our spiritual walk with God?

Kurt Hoyer works for the U.S. Department of State. He has served as a diplomat in Mexico, Kenya, Cyprus, Israel, Afghanistan, and The Philippines. He is currently assigned to Washington D.C. Kurt has a BA degree from Ambassador College and an MBA from
Azuza Pacific University. He and Jennifer have three children and live in Fairfax Virginia.

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Common Faith Network