We all play an important role in God’s plan for His kingdom. He has designed a pathway for you to fulfill your purpose and His providential hand is moving behind the scenes to get you there. Nehemiah discovered his purpose in God’s divine plan for His people. With Nehemiah’s example, we will connect five “P’s” that will provide you tools to fulling God’s purpose for your life.
The Pathway to Your Purpose
Herb Hanson
October 12, 2022
The seminar is planned to be given at the 2022 Feast of Tabernacles Celebration sponsored by Common Faith Network in Florida!

Herb Hanson
Herb Hanson lives in Detroit, MI with his wife Anika and their five children. He currently serves as the Director of Digital Development for the Jewish Federation of Detroit. Ordained an elder in CGI in 2019, Herb currently serves as the pastor of the Detroit Church of God International congregation.
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