This sermon “The Woman at the Well” from John 4 shows the example that Jesus set when interacting with the marginalized and with sinners. The incident also has a surprise Feast of Tabernacles connection and a practical lesson for us in today’s world.
The Woman at The Well
Lenny Cacchio
October 4, 2015
This sermon was given at the Emerald Coast Convention Center in Ft. Walton Beach, FL during the 2015 Feast of Tabernacles observance sponsored by Common Faith Network.

Lenny Cacchio
Lenny Cacchio is the author of three books, Lessons from the Gospels: Insights from the Teachings and Acts of Jesus, Morning Coffee Companion, and The Gospel According to Moses: The Feast Days of Leviticus 23. He and his wife Diane currently reside in Lee’s Summit, MO where they are charter members of the Church of God Kansas City.
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