“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

21st Century Idol Worship

June 24, 2022

Hi Friend,

A recent report from the Office of National Statistics in England shocked me, and it has many other free people.  They reported that almost 70,000 people died within 28 days of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.  If it could be worse, 175,000 people died within 60 days of getting the vaccine.  That number reflects the deaths in England alone.

The people who died trusted their government, the mainstream media and the medical profession.  The very thing in which they hoped was the agent of death.

It amplifies the question, “Who can you trust?”  It is not new to students of history.

Most people know that John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln while he was watching a stage performance at Ford’s Theater on April 16, 1865.  You may not know that Lincoln did not die from the gunshot.  The gun that Booth used to shoot Lincoln was a small caliber derringer with a very low muzzle velocity about the same as a current day air gun.  A 1995 American Heritage Magazine article reported that death came at the hands of the medical team that treated Lincoln.  The report concluded, “Without their treatment the president might very well have lived.”

X-ray technology was still a thing of the future so surgeons could not determine the location of the bullet.  The Chief Surgeon believed it was necessary to extract the bullet even though other patients at the time had survived simply by closing the wound and allowing the body to heal itself.  Without knowing the location of the bullet, the doctor probed Lincoln’s brain five times trying in vain to remove it.  Postmortem review said it was like being shot five more times.

Sixteen years after the assault on Lincoln, President James A. Garfield was shot by a maniac intent on murder and twenty years later President William McKinley was wounded in a similar attack.  Neither Garfield nor McKinley would have died from the bullet wound.  They both died from their medical treatment.

Garfield’s treatment was so egregious that a congressional inquiry was held to assess medical malpractice.  Likewise, McKinley lingered for months under torturous circumstances created by the attending physician.

American Heritage goes on to say, “Threat of assassination may seem the greatest risk a President of the United States must take upon entering office, but history suggests…a Chief Executive’s life was threatened more by his post-assault medical treatment than by his assassin’s bullet.”  Shocking as it may sound, there is more to fear from professions we trust than from assassins.

To bring balance to the discussion, the medical profession is beneficial to mankind.  Doctors who understand their limitations are a blessing.  Even the Bible refers affectionately to Luke, the author of the gospel as well as the Book of Acts, as the “beloved physician.” (Colossians 4:14)

The problem is best described by C.S. Lewis who argued that men don’t make idols out of bad things.  We make false gods out of good things.  The medical profession is only one example of the truth of Lewis’ statement.

The Psalmist warns us, “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” (Psalm 146:3)

One more example.  On December 14, 1799, George Washington died at his home after a brief illness. According to Tobias Lear, Washington’s secretary, two days earlier, an apparently healthy Washington rode around his estate at Mount Vernon on a cold, miserable day. According to Lear, Washington decided to stay in his wet clothes so he could be on time for dinner.

That night, Washington woke his wife Martha to say he was feeling very sick, and that he could hardly breathe or talk on his own. The former President asked his overseer, Albin Rawlins, to bleed him. Doctors then arrived and bled him four more times over the next eight hours, with a total blood loss of forty percent.

What killed the 67-year-old former President?  Today, experts believe it was not the illness that afflicted him but the massive amount of blood that doctors drained from his body.  Without this medical treatment he would probably have recovered—with a little chicken soup and some TLC.

These four examples aren’t homeless wanderers living in squalor.  They were men of power with the best minds available at their bedsides.  Two of them are considered the greatest presidents in the history of America.

Today, our culture is in a crisis of trust.  Only a fool would believe a President that tells us there are more than two sexes?  Authorities expect us to believe things that belie what the eye can see.  The news media has lost credibility. Educators tell us that the complicated universe evolved from slime without any intelligent design or designer.  Politicians tell us that cow flatulence is causing global warming.  Bribery and deceit define our current political processes.

What would it be worth to find a source that can be trusted 100 percent of the time?  King David found that place.  His son King Solomon wrote, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

Odd, isn’t it?  At a time when trust in the Creator is lower than it has been since our country came into existence that He is the “only” one who can be trusted.

Solomon’s advice remains the best ever given.

Until next time,

Jim O’Brien


Common Faith Network