“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

Christian Vacumn

December 18, 2020

Hi Friend,

Nature abhors a vacuum, as my 8th Grade science teacher used to say.  Since God created nature it must be a reflection of His mind—in both the physical and spiritual world.  God’s contempt for a spiritual vacuum is expressed in His condemnation of the Church of Laodicea. The church wasn’t cold or hot about anything.  They were so neutral they were a vacuum of values.  So Jesus said, “Because you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16) “Because you are neutral—you are not for or against—you’re a vacuum—I will spew you out of my mouth!  (O’Brien paraphrase).

Christians are facing a vacuum of values.  The modern beginning may have been the acceptance of the nonsensical theory of evolution.  Why Christians would ever allow a babbling fool like Charles Darwin to undermine the overwhelming evidence of an intelligent designer is inexplicable.

Then it was abortion.  In spite of the sacredness of life, politicians and church leaders who have no commitment to values managed to convince churches that there is some superior virtue to murdering innocent and defenseless children.

Then they told us that marriage wasn’t between one man and one woman—or even between a man and a woman.  Major denominations quickly gave up the idea of a monogamous relationship, heterosexuality, and the concept—again going back to a belief in a Supreme Creator—that He made us male and female.  Christians were willing to compromise every major belief.

An observer might ask, “What do Christians believe?”  Some churches declare, “Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors.”  One person commented that these Churches have minds so open that there is nothing but a breeze flowing through. A major Christian denomination has split over whether one must believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead.  Other Christian churches have combined with Muslim churches.

Pope Francis, who some claim is the leader of the Christian world, has stated that atheists will go to heaven.  The obvious question for all these absurd beliefs is, “why be a Christian?”  If Christian churches have lost their values, are they still Christian?

C.S. Lewis observed, “We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”

Jesus said we are “the salt of the earth.”  Then he warned, “if salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

That’s a frightening thought from the One who gave birth to Christianity! What can be done with a Christian who doesn’t believe what Christ taught?  Jesus said Christians “are the light of the world” but what do you do with a light bulb that has burned out?

I was in traffic following my daughter when I noticed that the brake light on her SUV was out. What good is the light bulb now that it doesn’t do what it was designed to do?  Shall we save the burned-out bulb? No! It’s good for nothing but the trash heap.

Does this all seem a little overwhelming?  If so, there are two key things to remember.  First, true values are eternal.  They won’t go away and, unlike politicians, they will be here when this world is consumed by fire.  Second, there will always be a core group of people who will hold onto the truth.  They are called the elect.  And God has His eye on them. When evil is so prevalent that it seems as if “no flesh would be saved” God has promised, “for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”  (Matthew 24:22)

Thank God for this stalwart group of intrepid warriors. Thank God for eternal morals and those who are committed to them.

This is not God’s first rodeo—He has seen this scenario before and just as He protected Noah and his family, so will God protect this special group that will not compromise their Christian ethics.

Until next time,

Jim O’Brien


Common Faith Network