Our Mission
The SDCA has as its core purpose for existence the promotion of the worship of the true God, and we strive to “perfect the saints” by edifying believers. We teach that all christians should observe and obey the commandments of God and the holy ordinances of the Bible. We endeavor to evangelize and disciple those whom the Father chooses to call into His Church.
Our Pastor
Ken Swiger

We are focused upon our responsibility to spread the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God. We invite the public to attend our local worship services and Bible studies in person. We also provide live-streaming of our worship services (and the mid-week Bible study) for those who are unable to attend in person services. We meet weekly for worship services at 11:00 am eastern time on Sabbath.

We are blessed to have this building to meet in, with our children’s playground.

Our Ministry Team is dedicated to serving you in a friendly, considerate, respectful, and encouraging manner.