“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

Pro-Life is More Than Just Pro-Birth

Jeff & Anne Reed

October 4, 2023

The seminar is planned to be given at the 2023 Feast of Tabernacles Celebration sponsored by Common Faith Network in Panama City Beach Florida!

This seminar will encourage believers to become even more “Pro-Life.” The importance of supporting and empowering individuals and families at every stage of life, from conception to natural death will be emphasized. Discussion will include practical ways believers can provide support, resources, and love to those facing unexpected pregnancies, single parenthood, and challenges associated with poverty and other life circumstances. Jeff & Anne will discuss their experience with the foster system and provide suggestions for how church members can help. The desire is to foster a culture of compassion and support, so that believers can help build building a society that genuinely values and protects all states of human life.

For questions about this presentation, send an inquiry via this form.

Common Faith Network