“A Grassroots Movement of Cooperation and Unity by The People of God”

The Steiner Bell Lodge is located at

“Wafloy Retreat Center”

This Years Theme:

“What Services Do We Have to Offer Others”

There is something that binds us together that is not political, it isn’t financial—in fact, it is nothing that can be seen with the eye.  It is the Spirit of God, the power that made life.

The importance of worshiping the God of Abraham cannot be overstated.  But worship of God is under attack and we are the frontline warriors.  Christians have too easily given up the command to assemble and submitted to forced isolation.

The Apostle Paul wrote to Christians in the 1st Century, “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Hebrews 1:14-15)

The fear of death is enslaving the country and churches haven’t escaped the plague.  In fact, many churches have simply shut their doors.

When God called Moses to face Pharaoh, He commanded Moses to tell the most powerful man on earth, that His people were taking a three-day journey into the desert for one purpose—to worship God.  The desert was not an inviting place, Pharaoh was not impressed, and Moses was overwhelmed by the challenge.

Worshiping God is as important today as it was when Moses was required to stand in the gap.  We worship the same God.  We keep the same commandments.  And we face similar challenges.

Common Faith Network exists to serve congregations like yours.  We respect your sovereignty, and we have no hidden agenda.

For the past several years about fifty leaders from varied congregations around the country have gathered in Gatlinburg, Tennessee for an event called the Quality Church Retreat.  The QCR allows leaders to fellowship together in a warm atmosphere where we can discuss common goals and common trials.  More than anytime in our lifetime there is a need to fellowship.

Those participating will be in one of the most beautiful locations on earth at a special time of the year.  Springtime in the mountains is inspiring.

We will be staying in Steiner Bell Lodge at the Wafloy Retreat Center in Gatlinburg, beginning Friday evening April 23 and ending Sunday, April 25 at 3:00 PM.  Your cost of $200 per couple includes food and lodging for the weekend.

We look forward to seeing you in Gatlinburg!

Presenters and Topics:

Jim O’Brien:

The Church’s Gift

Of all the times God has intervened in human events there is one that He refers to for its importance. God inflicted catastrophic plagues on Egypt so Israel could be free to do one specific thing.  What was so important to God?  In a word, WORSHIP!  What you provide for members of the congregation is vitally important—especially in these perilous times!  Let’s talk about why it is more important now than ever before.

Developing the Youth

Young people face the greatest challenges in the history of our culture.  The local congregation is a major force to equip these fertile minds with truth to overcome the world.  The Jewish faith practices a program called the Bar Mitzvah to bring young people to God.  This session provides ways your congregation can use the same principles for mentoring young people as they mature into adult life. 

Bill Jacobs:

Life Resource Ministry and Online Counseling

Maintaining the theme of this year’s QCR, Bill will cover services available to congregations from Life Resource Ministries. He will also discuss his services as a licensed counselor available to members via Zoom and telephone.  He will also discuss one aspect of ministry to improve congregational success.


Jeff Reed:

COG Fellowship

Jeff and Anne Reed will be speaking on the new service being provided by the Church of God International to the greater COG community, FellowShip.

FellowShip is a faith-based social network focused on creating connections between the brethren in the Sabbath-keeping churches of God, promoting lasting relationships, and encouraging each other as we follow Christ.

Dusti Howell:

CFA – Common Faith Academy

Common Faith Academy is our new online platform to edify and strengthen our youth and brethren. Its purpose is to equip the church with deeper levels of understanding and the tools to defend one’s faith. The engaging interactive courses strive to utilize the best resources, videos, and content. Our CFA mission is to bring together kids and adults in various study opportunities including book clubs, stand alone courses, and teen and adult Bible Studies. The session will include brainstorming future courses and book clubs.

Guy Swenson:

Camp Outreach

Perhaps there is no more important place for evangelism than our children and grandchildren. Connecting them with the authentic Christian faith is a challenge – and ministry can be an effective tool. In this presentation, Guy will review lessons learned through 14 years of youth ministry through Camp Outreach.

Kelly McDonald:

Bible Sabbath Association

The Bible Sabbath Association (BSA) specializes in providing educational resources in the areas of Apologetics, Biblical History, and Christian Discipleship. In this exciting presentation, President Kelly McDonald, Jr. will explain past, present and future projects in these areas. We are entering an era where Christianity is a minority belief system in America. During this message, you will also learn how the BSA is taking proactive steps to prepare individuals and Churches to face the challenges of this new era.

For information about this event, please contact us by filling out this form.

Common Faith Network